In a lot of ways 2022 was the year that 2021 wanted to be. As Covid concerns and risks diminished, we saw many things return to, more or less, normal.
For FPPA, 2022 was a busy, but successful year—on top of our normal business functions, our staff managed some impressive extracurriculars, including moving our entire office (twice) and creating and implementing an entire new retirement plan (hello Statewide Retirement Plan!).
With that in mind, let’s take a look at what we accomplished in the past 12 months.
FPPA’s 2022 Year in Review

Benefits Paid in 2022
Last year, FPPA made over 130,000 benefit payments, totaling north of $275 Million. FPPA’s representatives also had 5,698 phone calls and in-person meetings with payees.

2022 in Benefit Approvals
In the past 12 months, FPPA approved 257 retirements, pushing our total over the last decade to 2107 approved retirements. Compared to 2021, total retirements ticked down slightly, but still remains elevated compared to the last few decades.

2022 in Investments
Like many folks and organizations, 2022 was an investments rollercoaster. But, despite an annual return of -7.84% for the Long-Term Pool, FPPA’s annualized return since inception (1980) remains solid at 9.12%.

IT in 2022
In addition to moving FPPA’s entire information infrastructure twice last year, our IT department kept everyone connected. As one example, our staff completed over 6,400 Zoom meetings, lasting over 619,000 minutes.

Stakeholder Engagement in 2022
FPPA’s Relationship Management team kept up the great momentum they developed in 2021 getting back in the field. Last year, the team completed 198 department meetings with 106 different fire and police departments.

Wellness initiatives in 2022
FPPA’s wellness program had 65 participants who collectively accumulated over 66 million steps, which translates to 29,000+ miles! That’s like walking a lap around the world, plus about 5,000 miles.