FPPA’s Retiree Payroll Team receives many phone calls in the months of October, December and January from retirees asking why their benefit deposit is suddenly a different amount. Due to high call volume during these months, we cannot always return
Results From the 2023 Member Survey
Every other year, FPPA conducts a satisfaction survey with a randomly selected group of active and retired Members; And every other year, we’re reminded how much our Members value their retirement benefits! This year’s effort began in April,
Highlights From the SECURE Act 2.0
In December 2022, Congress passed the SECURE Act 2.0, intended to build upon the SECURE Act of 2019, that aims to improve retirement-savings opportunities. The legislation enjoyed broad bipartisan support because it included many new provisions that
Looking Forward to the New Statewide Retirement Plan
This article was originally published in FPPA's PensionCheck Newsletter Beginning in January 2023, current Members of the Statewide Defined Benefit Plan and the Statewide Hybrid Plan will participate in a new Plan, the Statewide Retirement Plan.
Results From FPPA’s Member Survey
Quick question: what’s something you think literally everyone can agree on? In a polarized world—especially one with access to the internet—it seems like the only thing we can all agree on is that nobody can agree on anything. Plus, maybe, that
[Webinar] The FPPA Retirement Process
Update 11/18/2020: This webinar has ended. A recording of the event and downloadable slides are available below. Retiring in the FPPA system may seem complicated, but it doesn't have to be! The secret, like much in life, is in the preparation.