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What’s the best part of the holiday season? Some would probably say the family get togethers, presents, or the new year, new me optimism. And while we agree that those are great, we’d humbly submit one annual tradition that often gets overlooked: the end-of-year lists.
You see, year-end lists are great because they’re like a real-time time capsule. Like you, we’re all super busy, all the time. So it’s helpful once a year to see what albums, movies, TV shows or video games we might have missed along the way. Plus, without Google’s Year In Search, how else would we know that people Googled meme stocks, y2k(?) and how to pronounce Michael Jackson more than ever before in 2021?
And just like those memes that might have passed under your radar, so too could have our favorite list, the year’s greatest animal rescues.
As we do each year, we spent 2021 highlighting over 100 unusual, funny and downright impressive animal rescues by first responders on our Facebook page. Then, after an exhaustive review process, we determined that those listed below are truly the year’s best. Enjoy!
The 10 Best Animal Rescues of 2021 (In No Particular Order)
When Hampton the Pig Got a Little Help Living His Best Life
When Wile E. Coyote Got *So* Close
When Police Had a Whale of a Time Completing This Rescue
When We Learned About a Porcupine’s Favorite Hobbies
When a k9 Stepped up To Help a Very Good Civilian Doggo
When an Iguana Modeled for One of Our Favorite Photos of the Year
When a Turtle Rescue Turned Into Quite the Reason to Shell-ebrate
When We Learned That Sewer Grates Aren’t Always So, Err… Great
When This Hawkward Rescue Took Place
And Finally, When This Helpful Homeowner Had Just the Right Tool for the Job
Want more animal rescues? Check out our lists from 2020, 2019 and 2018.
Ryan Woodhouse is the Content and Publications Manager for the Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado. When not managing content for FPPA, Ryan can be found fly fishing in the Colorado high country or shouting at the TV during University of Wisconsin football and basketball games.