First responders had many weird, admirable, and downright hilarious experiences in 2018. But in our opinion, nothing tops a good animal rescue story. Throughout the year we’ve compiled our favorites on our Facebook page, from wayward camels to pigs lured home by a trail of Doritos, and after much argument and debate, we have narrowed the list to 10 outstanding animal rescues from across these United States.
Fair warning: for this list we’re adopting a pretty loose definition of ‘rescue.’ Some might be better described as ‘encounters,’ but they were just too good to not be included.
With that said, here is the list in no particular order:
The 10 Best First Responder Animal Rescues of 2018
1. Mouse takes world’s strangest ride along with California sheriff’s deputy
2. Miami cops rescue a lost camel on Hump Day
What day is it? Today, we helped this camel reunite with its rightful owner. Yes, you read that right, #MDPD helped a camel on 🐫 day! #HappyHumpDay pic.twitter.com/HZC06JrkQR
— Miami-Dade Police (@MiamiDadePD) November 7, 2018
3. Virginia police officer gets a roo-markable surprise after finding kangaroo in stopped car
To quote Officer Bennett, “You just never know what could “jump” off in police work…” pic.twitter.com/fOmVFxEIEn
— Martinsville Police (@PDMartinsville) February 14, 2018
4. Fort Collins police ne-goat-iate livestock surrender
5. Runaway pug gets ‘pugshot’ taken after sneaking around in neighbors’ yards
6. ‘Roof, Roof!’ Dog Rescued From Overhang Roof at His Home
7. Deputies use doritos to round up wayward pig
8. ‘Is he giving it CPR?’: Body camera captures driver helping squirrel
9. A herd of Sanford cows help authorities nab felony suspect
10. Idaho Falls firefighters rescue ducklings from a storm drain
Ryan Woodhouse is the Content and Publications Manager for the Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado. When not managing content for FPPA, Ryan can be found fly fishing in the Colorado high country or shouting at the TV during University of Wisconsin football and basketball games.