Registration is now open for two upcoming events for retirees, including FPPA's first ever Retiree Appreciation and Networking Session. Both events feature a presentation on FPPA's new Cost of Living Adjustment policy so you can learn more about your
FPPA’s Updated COLA Policy
Update 9/20/24: This article now includes details regarding 2024 COLA rates. FPPA Members, Employers, and other stakeholders, I wanted to take this opportunity to provide detail and context to one issue that’s top of mind for many of our
Results From the 2023 Member Survey
Every other year, FPPA conducts a satisfaction survey with a randomly selected group of active and retired Members; And every other year, we’re reminded how much our Members value their retirement benefits! This year’s effort began in April,
FPPA’s 2023 Pre-Retirement Planning Seminar
Update 8/4/2023: This event has ended. Thank you to all who attended. Maximize Your Retirement Potential Make the most of your retirement at FPPA's Pre-Retirement Planning Seminar on Thursday, August 3rd in the Denver Tech Center. This full-day
FPPA’s Year in Review 2022
In a lot of ways 2022 was the year that 2021 wanted to be. As Covid concerns and risks diminished, we saw many things return to, more or less, normal. For FPPA, 2022 was a busy, but successful year—on top of our normal business functions, our
2023 SRA Transfer Updates
Part of FPPA’s recent legislation included a change to the way we handle Member Separate Retirement Accounts. For the most part, this change is administrative only: SRA funds are simply moving from one account type at Fidelity to another account type