Signed on April 1, 2020, Colorado House Bill 20-1044 made numerous changes to FPPA’s plans and plan features. Among these changes was an adjustment to the way Members’ Separate Retirement Accounts (SRAs) are handled. But what exactly is changing?
Investing in a more just world: FPPA files suit against The Boeing Company
FPPA takes great care when investing our members’ retirement funds. This of course includes an emphasis on delivering consistent positive returns to fund our plans. But also, FPPA wants to ensure that the corporations in which we invest have good
Does Senate Bill 217 affect FPPA Police Officer Pension Benefits?
In June 2020, Governor Polis signed Senate Bill 217 into Colorado law. The legislation sets in motion several sweeping reforms for our state’s police departments. These changes include: Required body cameras A ban on chokeholds and carotid
[Webinar] What’s your legacy? Make sure your family and assets are protected
Update 5/27/2020: This webinar has ended. A recording of the event is available below Taking care of your family doesn't need to be complicated Estate planning is about more than just deciding where money and valuables go. Yes it's
Mental Health Resources for Dealing With a Pandemic
Maintaining one's mental health can be difficult during these challenging times. As reported by Yahoo, 69% of workers say that the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is the most stressful time during their professional career. This includes events like
Rule of 80: An Explainer
Edit 1/1/2023: Information in this article has been updated to include information specific to the Statewide Retirement Plan. On April 1, 2020, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed HB20-1044 into law. This bill, sponsored by FPPA, provides a number