For many, 2021 was intended to be a reboot year; an opportunity to get back into normal business and life activities; a chance to innovate and improve based on the lessons we’ve learned during the Covid pandemic; and if all else failed, at least the
The Best Animal Rescues of 2021
Note: Links to outside sources within this article do not necessarily equal endorsements. FPPA does not monitor the subject matter of the linked articles. What’s the best part of the holiday season? Some would probably say the family get
Results From FPPA’s Member Survey
Quick question: what’s something you think literally everyone can agree on? In a polarized world—especially one with access to the internet—it seems like the only thing we can all agree on is that nobody can agree on anything. Plus, maybe, that
Results from FPPA’s Recent Employer Survey
When comparing FPPA’s mission to that of our Employers, there is a significant overlap in our focus on serving Colorado’s first responders. But that’s not to say that looking after our members’ financial wellbeing is our singular objective… we care
Highlights from FPPA’s Annual Report
The Annual Report is a summary of FPPA’s financial status, prepared each year for the FPPA Board, the state of Colorado and other interested parties. It’s also a massive project, requiring weeks of hard work from many FPPA staff who feel an enormous
Do American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) funds paid to first responders count towards base salary?
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARP), passed by congress and signed into law by the president on March 11, 2021, provides $350 Billion for state and local governments to aid in making fiscal ends meet. Since passage, Colorado fire and police