In August 2020, FPPA employers from across Colorado gathered for a virtual, socially-distanced Employer Summit. This abbreviated, webinar-based event focused primarily on the changes coming across FPPA plans in January 2021. Video Replay and Slide
[Webinar] Separate Retirement Account Update
Update 10/21/2020: This webinar has ended. A recording of the event and downloadable slides are available below. Putting members in the driver's seat Recent Colorado legislation is changing the way FPPA members' Separate Retirement Accounts (SRAs)
[Webinar + Slides] The Rule of 80
Update 5/12/2021: Information in this Rule of 80 webinar is specific to the Statewide Defined Benefit Plan, as signed into law on April 1, 2020. Read about the Rule of 80 proposal for Statewide Hybrid Plan members at
[Webinar + Slides] Legislation Overview for SWDB Employers
Update 8/26/2020: This webinar has ended. A recording of the event and downloadable slides are available below. Change is coming to the Statewide Defined Benefit Plan in 2021. Make sure you're ready for it. FPPA's 2020 legislation, and the
[Webinar] Retirement Healthcare
Update 8/26/2020: This webinar has ended. A recording of the event is posted below. Health Insurance: A crucial part of any retirement plans Have you thought about your healthcare in retirement? And, importantly, do you have a plan for health
Does Senate Bill 217 affect FPPA Police Officer Pension Benefits?
In June 2020, Governor Polis signed Senate Bill 217 into Colorado law. The legislation sets in motion several sweeping reforms for our state’s police departments. These changes include: Required body cameras A ban on chokeholds and carotid