For FPPA staff, connecting with our members daily is a perk of the job. However, while some members are regularly in contact with us for a variety of reasons, some are a bit more hands-off, trusting us to work in the background protecting their retirement funds. If this describes your communication level with FPPA, that’s totally fine!

We understand that you’re busy, but please remember that there are still five occasions when we absolutely need to hear from you:
- Designating or updating beneficiary information: If you haven’t named a beneficiary for your retirement funds, or need to change your beneficiary, please let us know
* Active members can now do this online at FPPA’s Member Account Portal - When you move: Send us your new address so we can stay in contact
- When you’re getting serious about retiring: call or set a meeting with an FPPA retirement coordinator 6 months to a year before you’d like to retire. This way we can make sure you’ll be set to retire when you’re ready
- If you terminate employment before reaching the requirements for normal retirement (25 years of service and 55 years of age): In such an instance, you might be able to claim a vested or early retirement
- When a member passes away: when a member passes, it is important that their survivors call us to make certain necessary updates to their account. This will ensure that additional hardships don’t impact their survivors
* This is especially important for retired members so that necessary benefit adjustments can be made to prevent overpayments!
Has it been a while since we heard from you? Please get in touch!
Ryan Woodhouse is the Content and Publications Manager for the Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado. When not managing content for FPPA, Ryan can be found fly fishing in the Colorado high country or shouting at the TV during University of Wisconsin football and basketball games.