It’s confession time…I’m tired. I’m tired in a way that I’ve never been before. About 3 weeks ago, I realized that I had hit the proverbial wall. The wall was built with all my worries: worrying about my kids; worrying about my family that I
[Webinar] The FPPA Retirement Process
Update 11/18/2020: This webinar has ended. A recording of the event and downloadable slides are available below. Retiring in the FPPA system may seem complicated, but it doesn't have to be! The secret, like much in life, is in the preparation.
[Webinar] Retirement Healthcare
Update 8/26/2020: This webinar has ended. A recording of the event is posted below. Health Insurance: A crucial part of any retirement plans Have you thought about your healthcare in retirement? And, importantly, do you have a plan for health
[Webinar + Resources] Stand Up Against Fraud
Update 7/1/2020: This webinar has ended. A recording of the event and associated resource handbook are available below. Fraud is on the rise. Don’t become a victim. In 2018, the Federal Trade Commission received 1.4 Million fraud reports from
[Webinar] What’s your legacy? Make sure your family and assets are protected
Update 5/27/2020: This webinar has ended. A recording of the event is available below Taking care of your family doesn't need to be complicated Estate planning is about more than just deciding where money and valuables go. Yes it's
A Message From FPPA’s Executive Director
To our members, employers, and other stakeholders, To say there’s a lot happening in our world right now would be an understatement. It is clear that this pandemic has significantly impacted our members and employers, and by extension, our staff.