This article originally appeared in a publication by the Colorado Society of CPAs (COCPA) Like many public pension plans, Colorado's Fire & Police Pension Association (FPPA) has faced challenges in the last few years. Members and beneficiaries
Retired Denver Police Officer’s Passion for Art Is No Longer a Work-In-Progress
After nearly 32 years with the Denver Police Department, Jennifer Steck was elated to begin a new journey. Hers would be a new adventure full of travel, volunteering and pursuing her passion for art. Now, a few years into retirement, Jennifer has
The State of FPPA
FPPA has been busy in 2018. We have been researching, studying, planning, and discussing various ways to ensure the continued soundness of your retirement plans. The funding status of the retirement plans remains among the top in the country.
FPPA Board Creates Pension System Task Force
In August 2018 the FPPA Board of Directors created a task force to evaluate FPPA's Statewide Pension System. The task force will evaluate various possible changes aimed at improving system benefits. The decision to create a task force was born
Did You Know? Purchasing Service Credit for USERRA, Sick and Workers’ Comp Leave
There are many well-documented types of service credit that FPPA members can purchase, but here are a few you might not know about: USERRA, sick leave or workers' compensation leave. Members who miss work for these types of leave may be eligible to
How Will You Use Your First Retirement Dollar?
To our staff, one of the greatest joys of working for FPPA is watching our members safely retire at the end of a successful career. Likewise, some of our favorite conversations with members are spent learning what they plan to do with the next